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︎Bookings are open for projects starting in January 2025 

Concrete and the Woods is an architectural practice based in Switzerland. As careful observers of a mutating planet and society, we work in the production of meaningful spaces for the times that come. We design from the village of Préverenges but we like to build at every latitude.  

Concrete and the Woods est un bureau d'architecture basé en Suisse. Observateurs attentifs d'une planète et d'une société en mutation, nous travaillons à produire des espaces significatifs pour les temps à venir. Nous concevons depuis le village de Préverenges, mais nous aimons construire à toutes les latitudes.


︎Bookings are open for projects starting in January 2025

Concrete and the Woods is an architectural practice based in Switzerland. As careful observers of a mutating planet and society, we work in the production of meaningful spaces for the times that come. We design from the village of Préverenges but we like to build at every latitude.

Projet en travertin, Lutry

TRIM is a project that lies between interior design, sculpture and product design.
By modifying the shapes and spaces of a bathroom, we researched and tested the use of travertine. The beautifully textured Italian stone contributed to the creation of a noble and luminous space.

TRIM est un projet qui se situe entre le design d'intérieur, la sculpture et le design de produit.
En modifiant les formes et les espaces d'une salle de bain, nous avons recherché et testé l'utilisation du travertin. La pierre italienne, merveilleusement texturée, a contribué à la création d'un espace noble et lumineux.

Photos Matthieu Gafsou
TRIM - 2019 - CH
Built - Construit