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︎Bookings are open for projects starting in January 2025 

Concrete and the Woods is an architectural practice based in Switzerland. As careful observers of a mutating planet and society, we work in the production of meaningful spaces for the times that come. We design from the village of Préverenges but we like to build at every latitude.  

Concrete and the Woods est un bureau d'architecture basé en Suisse. Observateurs attentifs d'une planète et d'une société en mutation, nous travaillons à produire des espaces significatifs pour les temps à venir. Nous concevons depuis le village de Préverenges, mais nous aimons construire à toutes les latitudes.


︎Bookings are open for projects starting in January 2025

Concrete and the Woods is an architectural practice based in Switzerland. As careful observers of a mutating planet and society, we work in the production of meaningful spaces for the times that come. We design from the village of Préverenges but we like to build at every latitude.

Edificio multifamiliar, Av. Arequipa, Lima

Early in 2023, we participated to our first “cabida” in Lima Peru. A project for 112 appartements in a central district of the city. We tested an introspective typology giving each appartement a view on a internal “courtyard inspired”  area. The interior space was thought to be aboslutely wild, planted with local species at the gorund (public) floor as well as in each (private) terrace. Commoun spaces will then be on the roof. So to enjoy a view on the city by being as far as possbile from its noises.


A principios de 2023, participamos en nuestra primera "cabida" en Lima, Perú. Un proyecto de 112 apartamentos en un distrito central de la ciudad. Probamos una tipología introspectiva que brinda a cada apartamento una vista hacia un área interna inspirada en un "patio". El espacio interior se concibió como absolutamente salvaje, con especies locales plantadas en el suelo (público) y en cada terraza (privada). Los espacios comunes estarán ubicados en el techo, para disfrutar de una vista de la ciudad estando lo más lejos posible de sus ruidos.
LOLA - 2023 - PE
Feasibility study - Etude de faisibilité - (Cabida)